Cirrus Primary Academy Trust

Art and Design


Through our Art and Design curriculum we aim to engage, inspire and challenge pupils whilst they develop their imagination. This intent is achieved by stimulating pupils creativity, awaken their sensitivity, encourage appreciation, develop practical skills and foster in each child the capacity to be successfully creative by providing them with the knowledge and skills to experiment and create their own art work. 

We aim to provide pupils with a variety of experiences where exploration and technical ability can be developed and nurtured. Children have the opportunity to experiment and improve their skills in drawing, painting, sculpture, textiles, collage and digital media. We also teach pupils to understand the role and purpose of Artists, Crafts people and Designers working in different times and cultures.


Our Art curriculum has been planned and sequenced to allow pupils to build and develop on prior skills. It is taught in correlation with other subjects for the half term and this might be taught weekly or in a ‘block’. Through the use of a variety of materials and techniques, we help all children to respond creatively to their surroundings and learn to make informed, valued judgements and aesthetic and practical decisions about their own and others artwork. The work of artists, craftspeople and designers, in both contemporary life and in different times and cultures, are used to support and provide inspiration for children’s own artwork. 


As a result, children will be able to name, describe, and interpret the work of artists, designers, craftspeople, and architects from different cultures and times, considering social and historical contexts. They will discuss the materials, colours, and techniques used and apply this knowledge when planning and creating their own artwork.

Children will develop imaginative and original ideas, record and refine them, and use a range of techniques and processes to create successful, polished artwork. They will handle equipment with care and evaluate both their own work and that of professionals, explaining their preferences and improvements. They will visit galleries and be able to make informed opinions about the works they see.