At Wallington Primary Academy (WPA), we aim to equip our childrenâ¯with theâ¯knowledge, methods and skillsâ¯necessary to question their world;â¯investigate how and why things happen as they do;â¯and be able to confidentlyâ¯explain their reasoningâ¯throughâ¯scienceâ¯that is challenging, investigative and fun!⯠It is for these very reasons, that we utilise CUSP Science as our chosen curriculum scheme.
Our scheme pays close attention to guidance provided by the National Curriculum sequence and content. The curriculum’s ambitious interpretation of the National Curriculum places knowledge, vocabulary, working and thinking scientifically at the heart of our principles, structure and practice. We give children opportunities to develop their knowledge and understanding of scientific phenomena explicitly and in a sequential way so this can be built upon and developed. Children also have ample opportunity to develop scientific skills, alongside their knowledge and understanding, so they can become effective, young scientists.
CUSP Science is organised into three distinct subject domains: biology, physics and chemistry. Where inter-disciplinary concepts are encountered, such as the particle model, these are taught explicitly and connected across science domains. CUSP Science has sequenced the national curriculum into meaningful and connected ‘chunks’ of content to reduce the load on the working memory as well as creating coherent and strong long-term memories.
The sequence of substantive and disciplinary knowledge enables pupils to become ‘more expert’ with each study and grow an ever broadening and coherent mental model of the subject. This guards against superficial, disconnected and fragmented scientific knowledge and weak disciplinary knowledge. High frequency, multiple meaning words (Tier 2) are taught explicitly and help make sense of subject specific words (Tier 3). Each learning module in CUSP Science has a vocabulary module with teacher guidance, tasks and resources to enhance and deepen understanding.
CUSP Science is planned so that the retention of knowledge is of paramount importance. The cumulative nature of the curriculum is made memorable by the implementation of spaced retrieval practice, word building and deliberate practice tasks. This powerful interrelationship between structure and research-led practice is designed to increase substantive knowledge and accelerate learning within and between study modules. That means the foundational knowledge of the curriculum is positioned to ease the load on the working memory: new content is connected to prior learning. The effect of this cumulative model supports opportunities for children to associate and connect significant scientific concepts, over time, and with increasing expertise and knowledge.
Science at WPA has a significant and positive impact on pupils. Through a broad and balanced curriculum, children acquire the language, concepts, and skills outlined in the National Curriculum. The activities and lessons are appropriately tailored to each Key Stage, providing diverse and engaging experiences that enable all pupils to make strong progress by reinforcing key knowledge and skills. These experiences also foster positive attitudes towards science, helping children recognise its relevance to their lives and the world around them. By the time they leave Wallington Primary Academy, pupils are equipped with the scientific knowledge and skills necessary for a smooth transition to secondary education and for success in adult life.