Our aim is to provide a geography curriculum that isengaging, ambitious, and inclusive. The National Curriculum geography programmes of study are taught through subject specific themes. The curriculum is designed to build children’s geographical knowledge. Substantive and disciplinary knowledge is defined and explored to make learning stick. Pupils are encouraged to think like geographers and to make links with other subject areas. This key approach intends fo every learner to secure key knowledge into their long-term memory. At WPA we use the CUSP geography curriculum as we feel this prepares our geographers for the next stage of their education.
CUSP Geography equips pupils to become ‘more expert’ with each study and grow an ever broadening and coherent mental model of the subject. This guards against superficial, disconnected and fragmented geographical knowledge. Specific and associated geographical vocabulary is planned sequentially and cumulatively from Year 1 to Year 6. High frequency, multiple meaning words (tier 2) are taught and help make sense of subject specific words (tier 3). CUSP Geography is built around the principles of cumulative knowledge focusing on spaces, places, scale, human and physical processes with an emphasis on how content is connected and relational knowledge acquired. The curriculum goes beyond the 2014 National Curriculum which outlines the knowledge and skills taught in each key stage.
Pupils have access to a range of resources such as maps, atlases, photographs and digital technology to discover, acquire and deepen geographical knowledge. Key geographical vocabulary is explicitly taught; here pupils are encouraged to define key terms in order to apply and retain knowledge. Children engage in a wide variety of problem-solving activities. Wherever possible, we involve the children in ‘real’ geographical activities, for example researching the environmental impact of plastic and take part in debates and present reports to demonstrate their findings.
We provide suitable learning opportunities for all children by matching the challenge of the task to the ability of the child. Knowledge notes allow all pupils to access geography learning and supports their memory retention. Peer assessment is encouraged to enable children to give each other valuable feedback and to provide opportunities to discuss and learn from each other.
The impact of our CUSP Geography curriculum is evident in pupils’ deepening understanding of spaces, places, scale, and human and physical processes. As they progress, they build a coherent and connected knowledge of the world, avoiding fragmented learning. Outcomes demonstrate pupils’ ability to use precise geographical vocabulary, apply problem-solving skills, and make meaningful connections between concepts. Engaging with maps, atlases, digital technology, and real-world issues, such as environmental debates, enhances their curiosity and critical thinking. Knowledge notes and peer assessment support memory retention and collaborative learning, ensuring all pupils can access and succeed in geography. By the end of Key Stage 2, children are well-equipped with the geographical knowledge and skills needed for secondary education and beyond.